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Collected as delicate form, made permanent in lead, Telling Stories is a collection of works using organic structures found in the landscape.

It describes how we take what we want from our history and environment, then fashion it to suit ourselves.

Our story is often built on a thin premise or idea, but we make it solid through repetition and belief.

The folklore of our past.  Historical figures,  presented as both good and bad.  We all have an idea of who we are as person.  Our likes and dislikes; our loves and hates.  We are all presented with a narrative, written by others, which purportedly is based on fact, and yet it presents a story which buoys up the status quo.  Seemingly written as history, we accept it as a base from which to see who we are.  It dictates our beliefs and what we do.  Yet who is to say which is correct and which is fabrication? 'Telling Stories' examines the quieter side of this idea.  It takes natural forms and sets them in metal.  Positioned between leaves of slate or lead, it emulates the strong word of truth as we are told it; stories bound in a book.  Without such strong bonds we would likely pull apart, and yet it is also these bonds which keep us from seeing the bigger picture and colour our view of others. It begs the question; whether it is good to have a variation of a truth which keeps us as a whole, or whether we should know who we truly are so we may have the opportunity to change?  It depends on who is writing our story and why.

Telling Stories




Panaeolus Semiovatus

2 cm high

Cast in lead


© Bella Bee. All rights reserved 2023

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