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Photo du rédacteur: Bella BeeBella Bee

There are many versions of Poseidon, some with wavy hair representing the sea, others more ancient with a structured and more precise fashion. This work is inspired by the Greek statue, Poseidon of Artemisium, which was recovered from the sea on Cape of Artemisium, Northern Greece and is dated to around 460 BC. It is debated whether this is a statue of Poseidon or Zeus, but a Greek god it is for sure.

Above: The severe structure of the face: Adding hair: Lifted the piece to add a back to the head and points and barnacles

“He lived at the bottom of the sea and reigned over the sea monsters and storms, often portrayed in a chariot drawn by tritons and horses, with a trident in his right hand”, Cicero from the “De Natura Deorum”. (Nature of the gods).

Black professional clay, stoneware, with gold paint detail, the finished piece.


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